Name: 下村 岳夫(Takeo Shimomura)
Profile: 福岡県北九州市出身。1995年九州大学工学部機械工学科卒。機械設計技師、3D-CAD周りのSE、某政府機関サイバーセキュリティ要員を経て、現在は量子科学技術研究開発機構(QST)で情報関連業務に従事。幼少期から音楽に親しみ、合唱団や音楽部で歌の基礎を学ぶ。第6回福岡県高校音楽コンクール声楽部門金賞受賞。男声合唱団「クェーサー」のベースサブパートリーダーとしてAJCL合唱コンクール一般の部A全国大会出場3回(最高位全国3位)に貢献。大学卒業後、兵庫県「ローゼンビートオペラ研究所」にて、故浜渦章盛氏に師事。ソリストとしてオペラ・オペレッタに多数出演。並行してアカペラバンド「BREEZE」「歌奉行」を立上げ、路上ライブや各種イベント出演で人気を博す。歌奉行は2002年FM福岡Vocalアンサンブルコンテストで優勝、FM福岡ジングル制作権を獲得、2003年には『ふくおか県民文化祭』第4回Vocalアンサンブルフェスタにてフェスティバル賞を受賞。音楽同人団体「不気味社」では30年以上に渡り歌唱協力。CD化&販売された楽曲は1,500曲を超える。また25年来アフリカの民族楽器「アサラト」に傾倒、不定期に体験会講師も務める。直近は任意団体「ぴあのっこClub」副会長として、地域の音楽文化醸成を目的とした活動を続けている。
Born in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture. Graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Kyushu University in 1995. Worked as a mechanical design engineer, 3D-CAD specialist, and cyber security personnel for a certain government agency before currently being engaged in information-related tasks at the National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST). Developed an affinity for music from a young age and learned the basics of singing in choir and music clubs. Awarded the Gold Prize in the Vocal Division of the 6th Fukuoka Prefectural High School Music Competition. Contributed to the AJCL Choir Competition National Tournament for the General Division A, achieving three appearances (highest national ranking: 3rd place) as the Bass Subpart Leader of the male choir "Quasar." After graduating from university, studied under the late Mr. Akimori Hamauzu at the "Rosenbeat Opera Research Institute" in Hyogo Prefecture. Acted in numerous operas and operettas as a soloist. Simultaneously, founded a cappella bands "BREEZE" and "Uta-Bugyo," gaining popularity through street performances and various events. Uta-Bugyo won first place in the 2002 FM Fukuoka Vocal Ensemble Contest, obtained the rights to produce FM Fukuoka jingles, and received the Festival Award at the 4th Vocal Ensemble Festival of the "Fukuoka Citizens' Cultural Festival" in 2003. Collaborated in singing for the music doujin group "Bukimisha" for over 30 years. The number of songs that have been recorded and sold on CDs exceeds 1,500. Additionally, for the past 25 years, has been fascinated by the African ethnic instrument "Asalato" and occasionally serves as an instructor for experiential sessions. Currently, as the Vice President of the voluntary organization "Pianokko-Club," continues activities aimed at fostering local music culture.

Name: 中村 水名子(Minako Nakamura)
Profile:神奈川県藤沢市出身。静岡大学教育学部 総合芸術声楽科卒業。在学中は静岡大学吹奏楽団に所属し、フルートとピッコロを担当。大学卒業後は「(株)ザ・スタッフ」においてオペラ、バレエ、ミュージカルの舞台監督助手を務める。結婚後は千葉に移住、中央図書館での勤務を通じて音楽関係の知見を深める。現在自宅にて音楽教室「おんがくのいえ なかむら音楽教室」を主宰する傍ら、自身の学びとして、聖徳大学で声楽を専門に学ぶほか、聴覚と発声の専門機関にてトレーニングを受けている。また近隣二つの公民館の主催講座で、シニアのための発声と歌の指導を担当。音楽ボランティア活動にも精力的に参画。上智大学後援会理事。
Born in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture. Graduated from the Department of Education, Integrated Arts Vocal Music Course at Shizuoka University. During university, was a member of the Shizuoka University Wind Orchestra, playing the flute and piccolo. After graduation, worked as an assistant stage manager for opera, ballet, and musicals at "The Stuff" corporation. After marriage, relocated to Chiba and deepened knowledge in music through work at the Central Library. Currently, as the founder of the music school "Ongaku-no-Ie Nakamura Music School" at home, pursues vocal music studies at Seitoku University, and undergoes training in auditory and vocal specialist institutions.Additionally, takes on the instruction of voice and singing for seniors in sponsored courses at two nearby community learning center of Japan. Actively participates in music volunteer activities. Serves as a director of the Sophia University Parents' Association.
Recent Performance Achievements:
Performed in lobby concerts at hotels. Acted as a soloist in operas such as "Hänsel und Gretel" as Gretel, "Gianni Schicchi" as Lauretta, "Carmen" as Micaela, "Turandot" as Liu, and more. Also, organizes annual piano, pipe organ, and vocal music concerts at art museums in Shizuoka Prefecture. Additionally, participated in numerous collaborative concerts with both parents, a Japanese painter, and a calligrapher, held at Kiunkaku in Atami City.

Name: 下村 恵子(Keiko Shimomura)
Profile: 福岡県北九州市出身。カワイ音楽学園電子オルガン科卒。カワイ音楽教室講師として電子オルガン・ピアノ・幼児グループレッスンを担当。カワイドリマトーンコンクール九州大会最優秀賞を2度受賞(いずれも全国大会出場)。同教室退職後、フリーの電子オルガン・ピアノ・パイプオルガン演奏家・指導者として活動を開始、結婚式場・レストラン等で演奏活動を行う。様々な楽器やグループ(トランペット・トロンボーン・バイオリン・二胡・フルート・サックス・ドラム・ゴスペル・合唱団・吹奏楽団・マトリョミン(=テルミンの一種)、そしてアサラト)との共演経験有り。現在は自宅近辺在住の生徒さんを対象とした、音楽サークル「キラキラ☆リズムアンサンブル」を主宰。クラシック/ポピュラーピアノやアンサンブルを指導しつつ、子供たちと一緒に様々なジャンルの音楽を楽しんでいる。
Born in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture. Graduated from the Kawai Music Academy Electronic Organ Department. Worked as a Kawai Music School instructor, responsible for electronic organ, piano, and group lessons for toddlers. Received the Kawai Dream Tone Concours Kyushu Regional Competition Grand Prize twice (both times qualified for the national competition). After leaving the school, started working as a freelance electronic organ, piano, and pipe organ performer and instructor. Engaged in performance activities at wedding venues, restaurants, and more.
Has experience collaborating with various instruments and groups, including trumpet, trombone, violin, erhu, flute, saxophone, drums, gospel, choir, wind orchestra, Matryomin(=a type of theremin), and Asalato. Currently, resides near home and leads the music circle "Kirakira ☆ Rhythm Ensemble," catering to local students. While instructing classical/popular piano and ensemble, enjoys exploring various genres of music with children.